The 2014/15 school year has been a busy year for our Parents Association and we
would like to give you quick run-down of our activities throughout the year.
BOOK FAIR: In June, the book fair came to the school and the Parents Association
held an open evening to give parents a chance to view and purchase the books
available. A percentage of all money spent was returned to the school and enabled the school to restock the class libraries.
SCHOOL BOOK SCHEME: The school book scheme is in its fifth year. This is a fantastic scheme which greatly reduces the cost of school life on parents. Huge work goes into the purchasing, covering and preparing the books and copies. Thanks to all parents who helped with these tasks in June. A special thanks must go to Deirdre Foxe and Imelda Leavy who oversee and organise the scheme each year, we really appreciate all your hard work. In order to keep the Book scheme in the school we need the help of all parents each June to organise the books for each class. We look forward to working together in June!
OPEN EVENING: An open evening for in-coming Junior Infants and their parents was held in June. This meant parents and children could come in to see the school, explore their new classroom and meet the teachers.
COFFEE MORNING: On the 31st of August we held a coffee morning in the Community centre giving parents, especially those new to the school, an opportunity to meet for a chat and a cuppa.
EMAILS: This year saw the introduction of Email notifications. This will hopefully help to eliminate those LOST NOTES in school bags and works well with our Green School initiative by reducing paper usage and waste.
CHRISTMAS CARDS: The children designed beautiful Christmas cards and thanks to those budding artists we managed to raise much needed funds for art and craft supplies in the school. This year they raised €513! Thank you to all who purchased cards, wrapping paper etc.
CAR PARK SAFETY: As we are all aware the school car park is a very busy place each day, particularly at 3pm. A staggered pick up time has been introduced for the last day of each term. It worked well at Christmas and we hope it will be as effective in the future. Unfortunately there are no other options
available to alleviate the traffic so we are asking all parents to use the car parking spaces provided at all times, where possible. Meeting children, especially younger children, at the school gate would also enhance safety.
ROAD SAFETY: The speed limit and general road safety at our school is also an area of concern. We have brought our concerns to the attention of our local councillor, Tom Farrell, who has highlighted the issue to Westmeath County Council. Maybe mentioning this issue to the vote-seekers when they call to you would make this a priority.
All parents in the school are members of the Parent’s Association, the committee acts on your behalf. If you have any queries or suggestions please contact any
member of the committee.
Chairperson: Nora Concannon
Secretary: Deirdre Buckley
Treasurer: Carmel Finn
Board of Management Parent Nominees: James Goulding, Caitriona Behan
Committee members: Imelda Leavy, Gemma Trautt, Emma Jane Rogers, Bridget McKiernan, Maura Mulvihill, Lorraine Ward.
THANKS: We would like to thank the Board Of Management, Ms Salmon Seery and whole school staff for their continued support and cooperation throughout the year. We look forward to working together to reach our shared goals for the benefit of the school community. A special thanks to Ms Hanley for her help in getting notes out and the other countless jobs she does to help us each year. Also, thanks to Audrey Ryan, outgoing committee member, for her time and effort over the last number of years.
Thank you all for your support and cooperation over the last year. We are looking
forward to working with, and for you over the coming year.